Saturday, September 1, 2012

North. IL Summer Warblers: Black-throated Green Warblers

A Black-throated Green Warbler, Rock Cut State Park, IL, 5/20/2012.
Another summer warbler that resides in the Rockford area of Northern Illinois, is the Black-throated Green Warbler (Above), which I was fortunate to find at Rock Cut State Park last May. At first I didn't recognize its song because I never heard one before in the wild. The only other time before this when I saw one of these warblers was in Mexico two winters ago (Below), but it wasn't vocalizing.

A black-throated Green Warbler, Puerto Morelos, Mexico; 12/24/2010.
Then this past June while I spent a couple of days in Door County, Wisconsin, I heard Black-throated warblers all over the place, but they stayed hidden deep in the trees and I couldn't get one to find itself in my camera's  viewfinder.

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