Sunday, August 26, 2012

Northern Illinois Summer Warblers: American Redstart

A male American Redstart, Nygren Wetlands, Rockton, IL; 5/12/2012. 
Talking about summer warblers that reside in Northern IL in my past few posts, another very common warbler found in Northern Illinois is the American Redstart (Above). I found this one at the Nygren Wetlands...
Another male American Redstart, Rock Cut State Park, IL; 5/12/2012.
...then the same day I found another Redstart (Above) at Rock Cut State Park. Another one, a week later (Female Below).
A female American Redstart, Rock Cut State park, Rockford, IL; 5/20/2012.

American Redstarts are fairly easy to find as they like to perch on medium height branches in smaller trees and are very vocal with their song. males and females are quite different in their appearances as seen by the female (Above). The remaining pics are all of male Redstarts.
Another male American Redstart, Rock Cut SP, Rockford, IL; 6/13/2012.

A male American Redstart, Peninsula SP, Door County, WI; 6/20/2012.

1 comment:

  1. So happy I found your blog
    i was searching warblers in Illinois and whether it was unusual to find a Blackburnian
    ..It had hit a store window in Orland Park....It was so beautiful
    and so dead
    Are warblers on the decline in Illinois?
