Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ring-necked Pheasant, Northern Illinois year round resident.

A Ring-necked Pheasant crossing the road in front of me out near, Rockton, IL; 5/6/2012.
I have seen many Ring-necked Pheasants in my life, but until about a year ago, I have never had one so out in the open while I had a camera with me. This beautiful guy (Above) crossed the road in front of my car and obliged me by hanging around long enough for me to find my camera and snap off a few pics out the window before he disappeared in the tall weeds.

Ring-necked Pheasants are year round residents in open fields of long weeds and grasses that will hide them from view. At times you can find them along road edges near edges of forests or along thick weedy brush. They can be found in the Northern States from coast to coast.

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