Friday, March 1, 2013

More Florida Wading Birds: The Glossy Ibis

A Glossy Ibis searching for a meal in the canal, Oasis Visitors center, Big Cypress National Preserve, FL; 12/26/2012.
I saw my first up close Glossy Ibis (Above and Below) last December during my first trip to Florida.  It was hanging with a slew of Tri-colored Herons, Snowy and Great Egrets, White Ibis, Little Blue Herons and a Wood Stork. It was quite a sight - the variety of wading birds.
The same Glossy Ibis, Oasis Visitors center, Big Cypress National Preserve, FL; 12/26/2012.
It stayed in sight and gave me some good poses before it disappeared into the brush. It was the most shy of the birds in the canal. Glossy Ibis get their names from the bluish / greenish sheen of their wing feathers when the sun reflects off of them at the right angle. Otherwise they appear a reddish brown overall with a slight pale border extending from their bill to their eyes.
A wedge of Glossy Ibis in a marshy field, Everglades Nat. Park, FL; 12/28/2012.
A few days later, while driving through the Everglades National Park, I caught sight of a congregation of about a half dozen Glossies (Above) about a 100 feet off the side of the road in a marshy weedy field. Thse guys can be found year round along the the southern Gulf States (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas). During the summer they will migrate up the Atlantic Coast all the way north to the New England States.

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