What I think is a Boreal Bluet Damselfly, Lodge Lake Trail, Snoqualmie Wilderness, WA; 8/10/2012. |
A few posts ago I featured my series of attempts at trying to get a sharp pic of a Lance-tipped Darner Dragonfly in flight (
http://northernillinoisbirder.blogspot.com/2012/09/lance-tipped-darner-lodge-lake-wa.html ), which was quite a challenge for me. At the same edge of the Lodge Lake there were also a large number of damselflies of which were much easier to photograph as they landed and stayed still for me. I am not altogether sure what their exact identification is, but I narrowed them down to three good possibilities: Boreal Bluets (Above), Common Blue Damselflies (Below), and Northern Bluets. All three fit the general appearance of the damselflies I observed and all seemed to be considered residents of the northwest region; however, not being an expert of the Odonata order of insects, I am not versed in the minute markings on a damselfly's thorax and abdomen to be able to identify them with any certainty.
A group of what I have identified as Common Blue Damselflies, Lodge Lake, Snoqualmie Wilderness, WA; 8/10/2012. |
The Common Blue Damselflies (or at least what I think are) were all over the place, as evidenced by the photo (Above) with four alit in the same spot. There were at least three more just above the couple on the top right hand corner, but I zoomed in too close to capture all seven together.
A close up of the pair of Common Blue Damselflies in the couple position, Lodge Lake, Snoqualmie Wilderness, WA; 8/10/2012. |
The pair of Common Blue Damselflies (Above) coupled together in a position just before they move into the "wheel" position for mating.
An unidentified damselfly coming in for a landing, Lodge Lake Trail, Snoqualmie Wilderness, WA; 8/10/2012. |
There was one damselfly (Above and Below) that I wasn't able to find any photo anywhere similar to its appearance, which was quite different from the Common Blues and the Boreal Bluets. This damselfly was more of a turquoise color and the tip of its tail did not have the wide blue band - it was darker.
The same damselfly after it alit on a stem,Lodge Lake Trail, Snoqualmie Wilderness, WA; 8/10/2012. |
Even after it landed and I captured a more clear photo, I still was not able to identify this guy.
If there are any readers out there who know the true identifications of these damselflies that I have photographed for this post, write in and set me straight.
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