Saturday, August 11, 2012

Southwest Warblers Part 2: Wilsons Warbler

Wilson's Warbler, San Pedro Riparian Natural Conservation Area, Sierra Vista, AZ, 4/9/2012.
I was fortunate to get a few good looks at the Wilson's Warbler (Above), while exploring the San Pedro Riparian Natural Conservation Area near Sierra Vista last April, while these warblers were migrating to more northern summer homes.
Another Wilson's Warbler, San Pedro Riparian Natural Conservation Area, Sierra Vista, AZ, 4/9/2012.
During the summer months, Wilson's Warblers are found throughout the West along the Pacific Coast and inland in Idaho, western Montana and Wyoming, the northeast corners of Utah and Nevada, northwest corner of Colorado. They are also found from coast to coast in Canada and throughout all pf Alaska except for the extreme northern coast.

Yet another Wilson's Warbler, San Pedro Riparian Natural Conservation Area, Sierra Vista, AZ, 4/9/2012.
Wilson's Warblers look very much like the Yellow Warbler, except add a small black cap on the Wilson's and subtract the red streaks on the breast from the Yellow.

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