Saturday, August 4, 2012

Arizona Woodpecker in Ramsey Canyon

Arizona Woodpecker, Ramsey Canyon, Sierra Vista, AZ, 4/9/2012.
As I entered the road leading to the Nature Conservatory at Ramsey Canyon, before I even reached the parking lot, I saw a good-sized bird fly across the road in front of me and land on the trunk of a tree to the right side of the road. By the way it was clinging to side of the trunk of the tree, I knew it was a woodpecker, but its coloring was a bit different than the usual woodpeckers I am used to in the Midwest. As I slowed the car down and pulled over, The woodpecker flew to the next tree trunk up the road. So I stealthily gathered my camera, opened the car door, and used the car as sort of a blind and focused over the roof of the car at the woodpecker. Once I trained my focus on the woodpecker and it appeared in my viewfinder, I realized it was an Arizona Woodpecker, my first sighting ever, which always makes me happy. It stayed put long enough for me to snap off a few photos (Above and Below).
The same Arizona Woodpecker, Ramsey Canyon, Sierra Vista, AZ, 4/9/2012.
It was awesome to be greeted by an Arizona Woodpecker, before I even reached the actual Conservatory. I remember the only other time I visited the Ramsey Canyon Nature Conservatory, the first bird I saw as I got out of my car was a Painted Redstart, also a first. I love Ramsey Canyon!

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