Sunday, June 24, 2012

Indigo Buntings - Early May in Northern Illinois

An Indigo Bunting mugging for the camera, Nygren Wetlands, Rockton, IL; 5/12/2012.
Indigo Buntings (Above) have been quite a presence this Spring in Northern Illinois. I always love finding one of these blue beauties because they always present a great contrast against the greens, yellows and browns of their habitat.
Indigo Bunting, Rock Cut State Park, IL; 5/20/2012.
Indigo Bunting, Mississippi Palisades State Park, IL; 5/28/2012.

Indigo Bunting, Rock Cut State Park, IL; 6/13/2012.
These Buntings are one of Northern Illinois' summer residents as they can be seen in our parks and forests from early May through September, when they migrate south to Mexico and to the very southern tip of Florida.

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