Sunday, February 12, 2012

Arizona Botanical Gardens - Birds & Insects

This Verdin was very vocal in the Arizona Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
We had another wonderfully warm visit to the Botanical Gardens in  Phoenix last December, during our winter break from school in the much colder climate of northern Illinois. I always love this place, not only for the fantastic plant life cultivated here, but also because it is a great attraction for birds. One of the colorful Southwestern birds that can be found hanging around these Gardens is the Verdin (Above). Verdins can be found throughout much of the south and west of Arizona as well as south eastern California and southern New Mexico, much of the western half of Texas as well as most of Mexico.  They are pretty much year round residents of these areas without much migration.
A good look at the small red shoulder patch of the Verdin, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
Verdins are entirely gray (of various shades) with a striking yellow head and a small red patch on its medium coverts (shoulders - Above).  I saw more Verdins during my week long visit to Arizona than I remember seeing in all my previous visits all together. But this could be because I am getting better at recognizing them.  Other birds that I Identified at the Gardens were: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Inca Doves, Anna's Hummingbirds, Northern Mockingbirds, Curve-billed Thrashers, Cactus Wrens, European Starlings, House Sparrows, House Finches, Mourning Doves, Gambel's Quails, Abert's Towhees, and Great-tailed Grackles.
This Queen's Butterfly was a good representative of the many "live" insects found in the AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The Arizona Botanical Gardens is also a host for much insect life, as shown in the picture (Above) of the Queen's Butterfly, which is often mistaken for a Monarch Butterfly.  Not only are these Gardens known for their living creatures, but they also are famous for their Art Installations. We were lucky to be there when David Rogers' "Big Bug" exhibit opened to the public. This was an extra treat as this talented artist used twigs and wood to create large replicas of bugs that would be found in the Arizona desert. (Link of the Phoenix's East Valley Tribune's article about the exhibit is below):
David Rogers creation of "Daddy Long-Legs" at the AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
"Daddy Long-Legs" (Above) is an example of one David Rogers' creations in his art installation. More pics of his buggy artwork and of other birds that I photographed while at these beautiful gardens are below:
The attack of the giant ants, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
A better look at one of David Rogers' Ants, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
A detailed look at the Ant's walnut eye, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The intricate mosaic-like colors of a European Starling sitting on a Suagaro Cactus, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Assassin Bug", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
There were an abundance of Cactus Wrens taking up residence in the AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Damsel Fly", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
Anna's Hummingbird, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Dragon Fly", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
A Curve-billed Thrasher, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Grasshopper", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Lady Bug", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
Another of the flock of European Starlings, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The "Praying Mantis" sporting much Holiday Spirit, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
The same Anna's Hummingbird from (Above), AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
One of the more spectacular "Big Bugs" was the "Spider" creation, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
A close up of the "Spider", AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
Another Cactus Wren, AZ Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; 12/21/2011.
I hope you enjoyed the photos from our visit to the Arizona Botanical Gardens in Phoenix. As you can see, it's a reat place to do some birding,, see some great desert plant life and occaissionally see some beautiful artwork.


  1. That top verdin photo is spectacular - very crisp and bright!

  2. Got a lot of good info from this page! All the best to your blog!
