Friday, October 21, 2011

Sage Thrasher at Mono Lake, CA

A Sage Thrasher checking out its territory at Mono Lake, CA; 6/16/2009
As I was chasing Violet-Green Swallows around the unique formations of Mono Lake a couple of years ago, another bird appeared suddenly scattering all the swallows off their perches. It was a Sage Thrasher (Above) which posed proudly for a few seconds before disappearing again.

The same Sage Thrasher
Its long bill and yellow eyes, a trademark of most thrashers, were very evident even while I was several yards away. This is the only time I have seen a Sage Thrasher and upon seeing it, I guessed it was a thrasher or thrush  of some type. After getting a better look at it on my computer, I was able to identify it in my Sibley Guide. Sage Thrashers are fairly common in the sage brush plains of Wyoming, Nevada , Utah, and Colorado, as well as further north into Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, and slightly into Western California. I probably saw this guy in its farthest western range. During the Winter months it will migrate into southern Texas, Arizona, and the Baja Peninsuala and much of Mexico.
The unique calcium-carbonate spires of Mono Lake, CA; 6/16/2009.
While researching places to visit during our trip to Yosemite Nat. Park, I came across images of Mono Lake, and knew right away that I didn't want to miss this area with its unique towers (Above) made of calcium-carbonate. I certainly wasn't disappointed. it was a very photogenic lake.
The snow-streaked Sierra Nevada Mountains prove to be a great backdrop for the spires of Mono Lake, CA; 6/16/2009.

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