Wednesday, August 10, 2011

House Finch - Yellow Variety - Western Birds

A House Finch - yellow variety on its favorite feeding station - thistles, Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands Nat. Park, CA; 6/18/2011.
House Finches are found throughout North America, save the very northern regions of Canada and Alaska. I have probably seen House Finches in almost every state I have been in, but  I have never seen the "yellow variety" (Above) until the day we spent on Santa Cruz Island. They look exactly like the Red House Finches except yellow replaces the red. These finches acheive their yellow/orange coloring through diet.
A BIF shot of a House Finch - yellow variety, Santa Cruz Is., Channel Islands Nat. Park, CA; 6/18/2011.
Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands Nat. Park; 6/18/2011.
Sunset of the Day
A jet trail lit up by the setting sun creates a beautiful scene, Bauman Park, Cherry Valley, IL; 11/4/2007. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't get many yellow house finches at my house ... mostly red! I have been trying to attract them to my feeder with now luck. Maybe the red and yellow finches don't like each other? Love that island and that jet trail is beautiful!
