Monday, August 29, 2011

Birds on Eagle Mt, Boundary Waters, MN

View of the Boundary Waters from the top of Eagle Mt, highest point in Minnesota. Taken with a wide angle lens, Boundary Waters, MN; 8/10/2011.
Val and I hiked the 7 mile round trip trail up Eagle Mountain, the highest point in Minnesota. It was an easy hike, and took less than two hours to get to the top.  I was hoping to catch sight of some birds that I would not find in Illinois during the month of August. In particular, I was hoping to find a Boreal Chickadee, a Black-backed Woodpecker or any of a various number of wood warblers.

Whale Lake, one of the many lakes found in the Boundary Waters, MN; 8/10/2011.
As it turned out, it wasn't a particularly good bird hike. I definitely  heard Boreal Chickadees, but they were mixed in with some Black-Caps, and I couldn't tell the difference between them in the brief glimpses I had of them - no luck on the Black-backed Woodpecker either. But here is the list of birds that I did identify: American Robins (Photo Below), Blue Jays, Yellow-rumped Myrtles (Photo Below), Chickadees, White-throated Sparrows, American Redstarts (Photo Below), American Crows, Downy Woodpecker, Cedar Waxwings, Vesper Sparrows, Song Sparrows, Red-breasted Nuthatches, and White-breasted Nuthatches.
Female American Redstart, Eagle Mt., MN; 8/10/2011.

Juvenile White-throated Sparrow, Eagle Mt., MN; 8/10/2011.

Juvenile American Robin, Eagle Mt., MN; 8/10/2011.

Yellow-rumped Myrtle, Eagle Mt., MN; 8/10/2011.
An interesting little peninsula in the Boundary Waters from  Eagle Mt., MN; 8/10/2011.

Sunset of the Day
Another Lake Superior sunset, Porcupine Mts., Upper Michigan; 5/24/2008.

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