Thursday, July 21, 2011

California Gnatcatchers - Western Birds

A California Gnatcatcher, Crystal Cove State Park, Newport Beach, CA; 6/14/2011.
The California Gnatcatcher (Above) became #294 on my Life List, but it took me a few days to actually identify it. When I saw it flitting around in the bush in Crystal Cove State Park, I assumed that it was another Blue-gray Gnatcatcher as they are very similar looking, but its song is slightly different - less wheezy. Visually, it took me until I could see its under tail, which is mostly black with a couple of thin white swoops. The Blue-Gray is mostly white underneath. (See pics Below)

Although the photo is of poor quality, the black undertail proves this to be a California Gnatcatcher, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/14/2011.
Another blurry photo showing the black undertail of the Cal. Gnatcatcher, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/14/2011.
My first look at a California Gnatcatcher, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/13/2011.
California Gnatcatchers have a very small breeding area which only includes the very southern coast of california and the Baja Peninsula, which they inhabit year round. I am very fortunate that I was able to identify it.

To see photos of the Blue Gray Gnatcatcher see my 6/17/2011 post with the link below:

Sunset of the Day

A Bauman park Sunset, Cherry Valley, IL; 11/4/2007

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