Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Black Phoebe - Western Birds

A Black Phoebe, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/17/2011
Black Phoebes (Above) were numerous in Southern California. I saw them everywhere form Newport Beach to San Diego. They are found year round along the Pacific coast from southern Oregon southward to Mexico, and interior throughout California southern Nevada, and southern Arizona, southern New Mexico, and into southwestern Texas.

A young Black Phoebe chasing sand flies for a snack, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/13/2011.
While strolling on the Crystal Cove beach in Newport beach, I had fun watching a young Black Phoebe (Above and Below)) trying to catch sand flies. It was hopping and fluttering all over the place completely in a zone on the sand flies and didn't know I was so close while it wa honing its hunting skills.
You can actually see the flies on the right as this Black Phoebe is looking for a quick meal.

A young Black Phoebe, Crystal Cove State Park, CA; 6/13/2011.
The young Black Phoebes (Above) do not yet have all of the black chest feathers, and its wings have a bit of a rufous on its tertial edges. You can also see its bill is not cpmpletely formed.

Sunset of the Day
A very unusual sun ray pattern forming a a midwest version of the Aurora Borealis, Poynette, Wisconsin; 9/16/2006

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