Sunday, July 31, 2011

Balboa Park, San Diego ... and Birds

On June 15, we took a day trip to San Diego to take in the sights, so I thought I'd might try to do some birding in Balboa Park while we were there. 

Balboa Park, San Diego, CA; 6/15/2011.
Because there were lots of beautiful sites, I didn't concentrate on birds as much as I'd like to but here is the small  list of birds I was able to identify: California Towhees, House Finches, House Wrens, Western Bluebird (FOY), Black Phoebes, Mourning Doves, Song Sparrows, House Sparrows, Lesser Goldfinch, Red-shouldered Hawk* (FOY), Anna's Hummingbird* (FOY) and Black-chinned Hummingbird (FOY).
* The Red-shouldered Hawk and Anna's Hummingbird were additions to my Life List (#303 & #304).

California Towhee

Black Phoebe

Female Lesser Goldfinch

House Wren

Young House Wren - just out of the nest

Mourning Dove
Although not a great photo, this is the first time I was able to identify a Red-shouldered Hawk.

Song Sparrow - Pacific variety.

Balboa Park, San Diego, CA; 6/15/2011.

Balboa Park, San Diego, CA; 6/15/2011.
During my next couple of posts, I will highlight  my photos of the Western Bluebird,  Anna's Hummingbird, and  the Black-chinned Hummingbird from Balboa Park.

Sunset of the Day

The evening sun lighting up the vapors from the PuuOo Volcanic eruption, Hawaii; 6/30/2008.


  1. Fine captures of such a wide variety of birds...Balboa Park looks beautiful! LOVE your sunset!
