Turkey Vultures roost in their favorite tree, Rock Cut State Park, Rockford, IL; 4/9/2011. |
The first Turkey Vultures (Above) began to return to Rock Cut State Park in late March, and by April I can almost gaurantee that one could spot at least one (but many times a flock of 6-10) sitting in their favorite group of trees in one of the picnic areas on the southeast side of Pierce Lake. They like to sit high in branches near the top of tall trees and periodically cruise in circles looking for the oppurtunistic carrion that might be left somewhere. They are fairly common and easy to spot with their hulking dark brown body (26" long with a wingspan of almost 6 feet) and bony naked red head. Their bills hook down into a whitish curved point (Below) - which is good for carving or gnawing flesh off of the carcass.
A good look at a Turkey Vulture's bony red head and hooked bill,
Rock Cut State Park; 4/9/2011. |
When they are soaring in the sky, you can differentiate them from most other raptors by the way they hold their wings up into a V-position, instead of spread flat like a hawk, falcon or eagle.
A Turkey Vulture cruising the sky searching for a cheap meal, Rock Cut State Park; 4/9/2011.
This Turkey Vulture glided right over the top of me while I was hiking through
the prairie section of Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve. I liked how its left
wing glowed in the late afternoon sun, Rockford, IL; 4/11/2011. |
During the summer months, Turkey Vultures can be found basically throughout the entire U.S. and Mexico as well as into the southern portions of Canada. During Winter they will pretty much migrate into the southeast corner of the U.S. and along the California Pacific Coastline and into Mexico and Central America.
A Turkey Vulture eyeing a picnic at Rock Cut State Park, Il; 4/9/2011. |
This Turkey Vulture (Above) was staring at a young couple sunning on a blanket in a picnic area at Rock Cut State Park. Every few minutes, it would take off flying and slowly circle the couple, then perch on the same branch above them. I jokingly asked the coule if they were alive because vultures were circling overhead. They replied that after a while they were feeling a bit nervous, because it started with just the one and soon a half dozen other vultures joined it - all perched in the tree above where the couple was lying. Perhaps the vultures thought that the couple lying on the ground for such a long time was on the verge of dying and they were waiting for their meal to expire. Ah, yes... good times at Rock Cut State Park.
They look like they are wearing hoods. The sun coming through the wings almost makes this bird pretty. Your story of them eyeing the napping couple creeps me out...
We spotted 6 today 4/28/13 in Volo il right behind Fratellos restaurant.
Wow what an experience.
-Rhonda R
Saw three in Bull Valley on Ridge Road, feeding on a deer carcass. Glad to see them with my husband present, he finally believes that's what I saw back in April!
My husband spotted one in St Charles IL this past week. What a site!
My husband and I spotted 2 of them on Rena Road in Antioch yesterday. They were hovering over us as if they were contemplating whether or not we would be lunch.
Yesterday I spotted two feasting on a deer carcass in Country Club Hills in the Forest Preserve area off Flossmoor Rd. I went back later just after dark and they were roosted on the roof of the home next to the carcass just waiting to finish off their meal in the morning. Amazing!!!
Me and my husband spotted 23 of them in a tree on McKinley street in steger Illinois today
There were 2 eating a dead fluffy animal in the grass of a large yard off Riverside Drive in Johnsburg/McHenry area. I've never seen them before and turned around and drove past them several times to get a good look. Was a fun surprise!
Observed 8-10 grouped together in a sparse residential subdivision in Plainfield-Will County, May 14, 2016.
Flight style looks clumsy at times, but on a windy day like that, so efficient-- ingenious!
just saw two in Addison, unfortunatley one was feeding om a dead cat
To my surprise a rather large one scared the you know what out of my neighbors dog today in Barrington Inverness
Had 2 in our back yard in Gurnee feasting on the carcass of a baby opossum. Made the hawk next to them look like a sparrow!
Spotted one at the side of the road this morning in South Barrington on Route 59 a bit north of Rt 72.
Saw one eating road kill alongside Rt 14 in the Barrington area between Hart Road and Cuba Road today.
They hang out in large groups here in Yorkville,Illinois at the Dam ,Fox River
Spotted one today in Joliet IL
I saw two yesterday in Crystal Lake, near the Pingree Metra Station. It was incredible to see them although I was glad I was not close enough to them to see what they were eating!
Saw tgree or four of theses in the past week. Right near Earalville around Route 34 and 12. Big birds.
Saw one in my back yard yesterday in Spring grove feeding on a dead rabbit, wasn't sure what it was till I googled it.
Saw one by the fox river in South Elgin, IL today.
I saw about 20 flying through my neighborhood near the Kishwaukee River in DeKalb. They were circling and gliding slowly through the area. Last year about this time, there had to be 40 or 50 roosted in a tall pine. Their weight made the tree sway. They repeated their early evening flights every day for a few weeks, just everywhere, then disappeared. I'd not seen them before last year, but they are back now.
Hi, we are so excited to see 2 turkey vultures in Wood Dale of all places! They have been hanging around the vacant Household Finance campus on Wood Dale Road this week. They are magnificent, giant beauties! For your reference, Wood dale is immediately west of O'Hare airport in DuPage County. We are lifelong residents and have never seen them here before. So cool!!
I was surprised to see one on the side of the road in tinley park illinois. I lived in florida by the everglades and seen them all the time. I had to goggle if they would be found anywhere near hear.i was really excited to have seen it .....
Saw a Turkey Vulture feasting on a raccoon carcass on 104th ave Palos area on June 10th ...got pix
I saw one this past Saturday, eating on a freshly (VERY freshly) killed skunk carcass just east of Pino's Pizza on N.Main St., in Rockford.
saw what i thought was a hawk feeding on a roadkill racoon at 294 and harlem ave in hickory hills today but as it moved away i saw the bald head and neck .. i didnt think we had any vultures this far north in ill. NEAT...
Saw at least 6 today at Rockwell Cemetery in LaSalle, IL
Saw one today circling the ponds in country club hills on 179th st.
Just saw 6 of them flying in my backyard in bull valley !! We see them a lot!
We first saw 3 of them while walking my small dog this evening a mile west of the fox river in elgin, but by the end of two more blocks there were 22 circling/soaring above.
Saw a Turkey Vulture in my neighbours yard, a few days ago. there had been an Opossum there since last Nov, He came for 2 days, no sight today May 2nd.. Didnt know they were so close to me in Rockford Ill..was only the one...
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