Sunday, November 28, 2010

White-throated Sparrow

A White-throated Sparrow with its bright yellow lores hanging around the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pond, Lincoln Park, Chicago; 10/30/10.

Another bird that I saw plenty of while meandering through the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pond was the White-throated Sparrow (Above) and (Below) while walking around the Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary in late October. I featured this Sparrow species on my 8/26/10 post.

I saw another White-throat at the Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Chicago Lakefront; 10/30/10.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Jon, I don't know if you remember me, but you posted about my blog on Birder's World last August. I am no longer at Birder's World, but am now a moderator on the new North American Birding Forum ( ). I have just opened a new folder for bird photography, and I am inviting you to post some of these great pictures onto my forum. Please feel free to post your blog's address on your signature to market your blog on our forum. Here is the address for the photo folder on the blog:,241.0.html
    Hope to see you on the forum.

    Dave Dolan
