Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wild Turkey

Early morning on 5/2/10,  I was biking through Rock Cut State Park, hoping to park somewhere, and hike my favorite birding hike, with the rising sun in my eyes I saw something big sitting in the road about 50 feet in front of me. As I closed in, I recognized a huge Wild Tom Turkey, gobbling away as if he was putting on a concert.  I slowed my pace and came to a stop hoping not to scare him away. I had to put my bike on the ground, take off my backpack and dig for my camera. The turkey stayed put and continued his fierce gobbling, was wary of me, but didn't move away very far.  I had time to get my camera set and just as I was on focus, a car drove by and the turkey fled into the bushes on the side of the road. I thought I had blown my chance, but as I was looking to see where he went, the Turkey appeared back onto the side of the road again gobbling away.  He not only gave me time to take some photos with the rising sun as a backlight, but also let me walk to other side of him and take some photos with the morning light head on.


  1. A little early for Thanksgiving! :) More great images! We had a wild turkey on our front door step and he got in a fight w/ his reflection in our storm door...we ended up having to get a new door LOL

  2. A real performer!! He obviously wanted his portrait taken!! Nice find.

  3. Hi Sleger! Hans forwarded your blog to me. Great pictures! I never knew you were a photographer. Hans has gotten into photography in the past year or so and all I ever hear about recently is all the lenses he wants to buy.

    I hope you are doing well. We miss you and hope we can get together next time we are in Rockford.
