Saturday, June 19, 2010

Great Blue Herons

Talk about a bad hair day for this Great Blue Heron, Rock Cut State Park, Rockford, IL; 5/2/10.

Getting a little too close for comfort, the same Great Blue Heron took off, Rock Cut State Park, IL; 5/2/10.

Great Blue Herons are probably one of my favorite birds to photograph. They're big ( can grow up to 4'-0" tall), easy to spot, and slow to take off, but very graceful and elegant. (Above top) Talk about a bad-hair day - the Great Blue in Rock Cut State Park. The same Heron (above bottom) took off and I snapped this photo of him flying away.

The photo below, also taken in Rock Cut State Park (5/18/08) on a very calm day reflects the image of a Great Blue in the lake.


  1. Dad I love these!! You really captured it grace.

  2. Wow, these are fantastic...again that bottom reflection one is amazingly beautiful, and I love the clarity of the heron in flight!! Awesome captures!
